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Shredder/Grinder installation France for processing residues from potato food production

Year: 2021

Location: Harnes, France

Type of product flow: Unpacked residual flow from food production

Project type: shredding  grinding

The residual flows from potato food production are collected and processed in various steps for use as new products such as for animal feed or fermentation.

The product is collected in a storage bunker which can also be completely sealed with a hydraulic lid. The product is then transported to a hopper where it is possible to mix another product from, for example, a storage container.

The residual flow is then fed into the shredder via a screw conveyor or pump connection. This SMIDE6 shredder installation cuts potato waste products into smaller pieces. This makes this organic flow more pumpable or processable. The shredders are available in both single and double shaft versions and in steel and stainless steel. This makes the shredder highly resistant to aggressive products and substances.

The machine has a modular structure, which ensures that products are easy to replace, so that the fineness of the product can be adjusted by adjusting the knives. The shredder is used to make the residual flow suitable for processing in fermentation, fermentation and composting installations as well as in the animal feed industry.

After the SMIDE installation, a SMIMO15 grinder was installed. The organic flow is beaten even finer by the rotor into a homogeneous pumpable pulp. A sieve in these grinders ensures that the product is only discharged once the desired size has been reached. The total installation achieves a very fine substance that can be perfectly processed into animal feed.