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Depackaging installation in France
windshifter installation in France
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Depackaging installation in France
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turn-key installation in France
turn-key installation in France

Turn-key installation France for fermenting clean organic stream

Year: 2021

Location: Marlenheim, France

Type product stream: (Un)packed food waste

Type project: depackaging

Food waste and organic waste is collected in a storage bunker which is placed into the ground for easy access and unloading for trucks. The material is transported to the SMIMO120 depackaging machine. From there, the organic fraction is once again treated by our BS260 Belt Separator and our CS300 Cyclone System to have the cleanest organic output possible. This organic output is used for anaerobic digestion.

The reject stream is transported from the SMIMO120 to the WS800 windshifter where first the ferrous metals are picked out by a magnetic belt after which the rejects are treated by our WS800 windshifter to sort out any organics which are still in the packaging stream. These organics are transported back to the storage bunker via a conveyer screw. The clean reject stream from the windshifter is transported to a press container.