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ws800 windshifter

Windshifter in the Netherlands for valorizing swill/supermarket waste

Year: 2018

Location: Son en Breugel, Netherlands

Type of productflow: (On)verpakte reststroom horeca/supermarkt afval


This modularly built installation consists of a SMIMO160, WS800, SP600 and a supply bunker. This installation has been continuously expanded to achieve a higher return. Swill, food production and supermarket rejects, recall products and expired products (ODP) are processed via these machines. The residual flows are then converted into thermal and electrical energy in biogas plants.

The Smicon WS800 Windshifter can be placed after the SMIMO depacker. The Windshifter separates products based on weight and product surface area using an adjustable air flow. The airflow circulates through the Windshifter. Before the product flow enters the Windshifter, a magnetic conveyor belt separates the steel from the plastics. The main purpose of the Windshifter is to separate contaminants from the plastic stream. The bypass conveyor belt then transports the separated, heavier organic substances back to the SMIMO.

The SP600 separates moisture from the packaging, reduces weight, saving 50% on disposal costs. This advanced separation process not only eases the packaging flow, but also maximizes organic product yield by efficiently extruding the packages.

The SMIMO160 is capable of processing various types of (un)packaged organic products and food waste with an average capacity of 20 tons. The machine is suitable for separating both dry and wet product and achieves a clean organic flow of at least 99.5% depending on the input. It is possible to add liquid to influence the composition and processing of the product.